Rehabilitating “my grandma’s bathing suit”
After a 10-year hiatus, Sea Queen (SQ) swimwear was ready to re-launch with a brand new collection. The mission was to drive sales by creating consumer awareness of SQ as the must-have swimsuit of the season with the 35+ female target.
Awareness for SQ was low and the brand was perceived as “my mother’s or grandmother’s bathing suit.”
To set SQ apart from competitors, it was positioned as the only swimsuit catering to the 35+ woman. The custom designed built-in bra, exclusive to SQ, was the main differentiating factor. The lack of bust support is a common obstacle to a beautiful poolside look and SQ was the fashion forward, high quality, affordable solution.
To add glamorous, high fashion credibility, Canadian ex-supermodel Monika Schnarre was coaxed out of retirement to act as SQ media spokesmodel. She resonated with SQ’s target and her first fashion photo shoot in 15 years made huge news.